Monday, May 26, 2008

Google Still Beats Microsoft, Yahoo And For Search Queries In USA!

Hotwise an online competitive intelligence service announced in its report that Google search attained a new high while Microsoft and Yahoo! Search attained new lows.

According to March 2008 statistics for the search engine in USA, Google received 67.25% of the entire US search. While Yahoo search received 20.29%, MSN search received 5.25% and search received 4.09%.

Let us take a view at some of the interesting stats:

So what have US people been searching for?

The search includes various categories like Entertainment, Sports, Health and Medical which top the charts and many more.

Here are the stats for various categories that have been searched by US people:

I wonder is the war between MICRO-HOO! Affecting the search users or it is the better indexing with better search results which is driving more and more people to opt for Google as their favorite search engine.

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